Self- determination Community. Trust. Sovereignty
What is Sovereignty?
Sovereignty is simply the will and Acts of self-determination. Self-determination is when you take full responsibility for your existence and wellbeing. True sovereignty begins with self-awareness: knowing that you are an eternal being of spiritual nature (Soul) having a temporary earthly (human) experience. Sovereignty is knowing that;
‘YOU’ are not your body –‘YOU’ have a body.
Sovereignty is knowing that ‘YOU’ are not your name, or your nationality, or your race, or your culture or religion or even your beliefs - these are attachments you choose to have and use to identify and express yourself in your temporary human form. Sovereignty means being fully responsible for the provision of your own sources of energy, security, health and wealth. However, as souls in our current human form, we are social creators. Meaning we can only thrive when we organise ourselves into structured environments and work in common unity. One cannot be truly Sovereign without being a part of some form of structured organisation of peoples in common unity. This is what is known as
‘living in trust’
Sovereignty and trust are synonymous, you cannot have one without the other.
For one to be truly Sovereign they must be living in full trust of everything they invest their time and energy into. This includes where, how and who you chose to live with.
The more you have in common with the community you invest your time and energy in, the more sovereign you are. The more time and energy you invest in places and spaces you trust the most with your wellbeing, the more health, wealth and freedom you have.
When you are in trust there is no fear, when there's no fear you are healthy, When you are healthy, mentally, emotionally and physically you are wealthy. When you are wealthy you are Sovereign.
‘Sovereignty is the ultimate expression of freedom’.
What is a Trust?
Trust:- firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. An 'Organization of Trust' is a system or structure that ensures the reliability and security of someone or something. An 'instrument of Trust', is anything that confirms, affirms or proclaims the contents of a Trust agreement or organisation on behalf of someone or something. 'A Trust' in its most holistic sense is any form of organisation or instrument that ensures and bonds the reliability, ability or security of something or someone. Security in its most natural form is any mental, emotional and physical constructs that secures your peace of mind, emotional wellbeing and or physical assets. Peace of mind, emotional and physical wellbeing or assets are all forms of currency generated through invested time and energy.
‘You, the living breathing man or woman, is the instrument of energy that securitises all forms of Trust.’
How do Trusts work?
To fully understand the concept of Trusts one needs to embody a certain level of self awareness. The most fundamental truth of our being is the fact that humans are first and foremost spiritual beings having a physical experience. Spirituality is the term used to describe conscious energy that animates matter. It is the energy within all living men/women (soul) that allows for a human to perceive and be aware of itself and its surroundings. As spiritual beings (souls) having a physical experience, all forms of Trust must first be secured through conscious spiritual awareness, then intentional mental initiatives and finally wilful and intentional actioned into the physical world.
Spiritual awareness is simply knowing; mental initiative is providing proof of what you know; and physical action allows you to freely express and experience yourself as a sovereign living man or woman
Structures of 'A Sovereign Trust'
All Trust's must first begin with spiritual discernment, knowing the sovereign nature of oneself. Then they must be factually docked into the mental realm in the form of lawful documents, which act as proof of sovereign claim.
And finally, all assets, spiritual, mental and physical, must be securitised on the material plane through various forms of physical protective measures such as living in common unity with those you trust the most.
A Trust organization cannot be established if there are no mechanisms to defend and protect itself from negative entities, who might want to restrict or obstruct your right to express your sovereign self determination.
Protection of an organised trust is ensured and guaranteed through the establishment of three universal maxims of law; Spiritual laws - Mental laws - Physical laws.
Sovereign Law of Spirit
Spiritual Trust
The spiritual aspect of A Trust is based on connection. Connection with oneself, knowing oneself, and trust in oneself. Self-trust is attained through various practices that broaden one's perspective and enhance self awareness; This is known as spiritual practice.
Self-awareness attained through spiritual practice amplifies both trust in oneself and trust in the divine order of all. Attaining spiritual trust is an individual internal process that can only be activated through self-initiation or awakening.
Self-awareness or awakening is a process that can be instigated by an initiate who has the will for self-determined autonomy. This process can be facilitated through various spiritual practices and healing modalities that may aid or accelerate the process.
The highest form of A Trust is established through sovereign initiatives attained through self-realisation. Self realisation is fully realising who and what you are - an infinite source of energy living inside a finite body of space, this is the unwritten law of the human soul; spiritual sovereignty.
When one fully comprehends this truth, they attain the knowledge and will to actualize their infinite sovereign freedom of expression and experience. Self-realisation is the truth that will set you free from all forms of bondage or limitations. Trust in oneself as the instrument of creation, endowed with the authority of autonomous self-determination. This is the true definition of having trust in G.O.D. This level of self-awareness of who you are, where you are, and why you are here opens the door to the ultimate level of trust. Trust in G.O.D. God is the infinite force of Generative creation, Ordinance and Dissolution. Thoughts generate energy (G) Emotions structure energy (O) Actions dissipate energy (D). If you have the ability, to think, feel and act through self-will, then you have the spirit of the G.O.D force working through you. Trust in G.O.D is trust in oneself, which is the highest form of trust. "In GOD I Trust."
Sovereign Law of Mental
Mental Trust
The mental aspect of A Trust is based on communication. This is an individual or organisation’s ability to eloquently and intelligently express themselves.
Eloquence and intelligence require full control of one's faculties. Being of sound mind, having reasonable thoughts and emotions and having the ability to clearly communicate and express oneself within any circumstances. Communication is the agent that translates the contents of A Trust from the mental realm of self-aware knowledge to the physical realm of expressed information.
Cultivated self-awareness, translated into knowledge, and docked into intelligible information is what we call lawful documentation. Lawful documentation is the physical representation of a spiritual being's will to Earthly sovereign self determination.
When one has fully self-realised the spiritual nature of self, the next stage is mental sovereignty which is actualized through sovereign intellectual property. Sovereign intellectual property ensures that a living man or woman can capably prove themselves as a self-determined sovereign. Proof of sovereign status is best established through lawfully constructed documents that proclaim your proof of claim and trusteeship of the possessions in your trust, including your property, assets, and even your body.
"You are not your body; you have a body." For any Trust document to be lawfully factual its terms and conditions must be written in plain and simple syntax, witnessed, notarised, autographed and sealed by all vested members of interest. Anyone with sovereign status, i.e. a capable and factually living man or woman can create, witness, notarise, autograph and seal Trust documents. Whilst the syntax of Trust documents might be written in common legal terms, the principles and maxims they represent must always be based on Natural Common Laws of equity. Natural or Common Laws of equity refer to precepts or principles that are inherently objectively factual. They are consistent, unchanging and unbiased. Natural Common Laws in equity transcend across locations, time periods, and cultures. They are the objective principles and rules that ensure equality, fairness, honesty and goodwill is observed without prejudice or discrimination. All Lawful documents must always be constructed on the foundational precept and principles of Natural Common Law in equity.
Common Law in Equity
Community Trust
A Trust organisation cannot be established if there are no mechanisms to defend and protect itself. As we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, it is imperative that the physical spaces we choose to express our spiritual ourselves in, is a safe environment to do so. Creating safe spaces for us to experience and express ourselves is what we might call ‘Jurisdiction’.
Jurisdiction is the limit or territory in which authority may be exercised. It is the power, right, or authority of a sovereign entity to interpret, apply and express itself. To physically secure a jurisdiction one key component is needed - Security. The two most effective forms of security are knowledge and physical energy. Trust documents are only as powerful as the community of people they represent.
Lawful documents do not guarantee security of your trust, documents are simply proof of claim which mitigate risk against theft, piracy or extortion. Intellectual property without physical security or protection is vulnerable at best. Security in this case, is anything that ensures the safety and integrity of the Trust being established. The most effective form of security is often currency.
Currency is anything of value that can be used to trade or exchange energy like units of money, precious metals or people. People are the most powerful forms of currency. People's ideas, knowledge, skills, creativity, energy are all forms of securitised currency. The force of GOD lives through people. Investing the currency of your time and energy into the currency of other people you trust the most, is the most effective form of ensuring the security of your assets and wellbeing. True sovereignty is when our time and energy, property and wellbeing is secured within systems and organisations created and secured by the people we trust the most. ‘A community that has cultured common unity’.
Common Law: Rules of engagement agreed upon by a collective of peoples coexisting within a community, organisation or society of peoples. When common laws are established within a collective or organisation of peoples, the foundation of trust is automatically established. The more people in common unity the more secure the union of trust. Community Trust can only be established through means of cultivated common interests and cultural cohesion. Establishing common interest and cultural cohesion requires invested time and energy. The more time and energy that is dedicated to culturing a unified community the more secure the Trust will be. Culturing common unity in Trust requires self-awareness, discipline, honesty, clear communication, mutual respect, organization, structure and planning.
How do I establish a Trust'?
Establishing spiritual, mental and physical Trust, requires input of time and energy. Time and energy are the true currency of any Trust.
The most secure forms of Trust are those built on the foundation of optimally invested time and energy towards spiritual, mental and physical ‘discipline’. Discipline allows for A Trust Organisation to be reliably consistent which is the first principal foundation of any Trust framework.
The most effective Trusts are those established through the currency of time and energy bonded together by factually lawful documents within the organisation of people in common unity and trust of one another. This is what A Trust is in its most original and natural form.
The stronger the trust of the organisation of people, the more secure the trust is. Physical security in the form of coexisting peoples who have a shared vested interest of Trust, is the most powerful and safest form of Trust. You can always trust that peace of mind, emotional and physical wellbeing, safety and security is in a community that is in common unity.
The priority of A Trust organisation is to protect the wellbeing of its trustees. Wellbeing begins with the fundamental needs of a person, community or society. Health and wealth are the core basic needs of every person. When health and wealth is cultivated and secured, a community or society is bound to thrive.
Health ; food, water, energy, shelter
Wealth ; Tradable currency, comfort, security, abundance.
Protection of your health and wealth secures your mental and emotional well-being, thereby giving you sovereign status of expression and experience. This is your natural GOD given right as a living man or woman of this realm.
When to Join or invest in a Trust Organisation?
A Trust Organisation is always favourable for peace of mind and secure living. However, Trust Organisations are even more crucial during times of social degradation, societal hardship, war, famine, dissolution, chaos, and lawlessness. By this assertion it is self-evident that the times we are living in, reinforce the need for Trust Organisations. With the imminent collapse of societies trust in the established systems, chaos is bound to ensue as the various trusted pillars of society disintegrate. The collapse of established medium currency (money), the collapse of social morality, the collapse of cultural cohesion, the collapse of socio-economic systems, the collapse of lawful structures of governance, the collapse of public social trust is just some of the reasons why Private and sovereign collective Trust organisations and establishments are crucial now more than ever. As the world's trusted systems of organisation collapse and prepare for resetting, ensuring that you and your family mitigate as much risk as possible in the interim is the wisest decision you could make. Trusted security of your assets and wellbeing during this turbulent transition is the only way to thrive and successfully evolve beyond this chaos.
Who should I establish a Trust with?
The best people to establish A Trust Organisation with are other living men and women who share the same common principles, ideals and vested interests as you.
Sovereign living men and women who have gone through a similar process of spiritual self-initiation and have cultured cohesive and collective knowledge in common unity.
Your Trust should involve people who share a similar vision, goals, principles, morals, ideals, philosophies and aspirations as you. People who genuinely respect you and care for your wellbeing.
Such a paradigm can only be achieved when a collective of self-determined peoples living in common unity with the principles of sovereign initiative, have taken the time and energy to cultivate a culture founded on equity and trust in one another.