THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL Manifesto Blueprint
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Development
Our social development plan is fundamentally centred around community-based models of society, founded on the principles of equitable and self-sustainable living.
This self-sustainable socio-economic plan is established on the consideration of how we manage the social, structural and environmental impacts of our intended developmental projects. The initiative is to create environmentally conscious communities which complement the natural environment of that community, thus ensuring sustainable development that is built to last in a fair and equitable way.
Our plan is based around 3 key components, we call – “THE SYMBIOTIC STRUCTURE” Symbiotic Locations - Symbiotic Environments - Symbiotic Energy
In essence our main developmental goal is to demonstrate an economical use of native natural resources and respond to climatic conditions using eco-friendly design principles that provide human comfort. These design principles are consistent with the form, orientation and materiality of the habitat. The combination of social, functional and environmental considerations reveals a well-balanced symbiotic relationship between us humans and the natural habitat of our Earth; instead of imposing on nature our development emanates from it and works with it.
Symbiotic Locations
Choosing symbiotic locations means finding quality locations and landscapes that enhance self-sustainable practices of living. Location, infrastructure and landscape quality are fundamental in creating desirable places to live and work. The ultimate goal is to creatively maximise natural habitats into becoming suitable future proof communities. This includes but is not limited to considering extreme weather hazards, plant and animal biodiversity, ground and soil quality, existing natural symbiotic systems and much more. In essence, the question that must always be asked is: “What are the ecological considerations and wider landscape impacts of our development and how will this development support and self-sustain the local community at large?”
Symbiotically Environments
Another fundamental factor to consider is the environmental management, which includes the various factors associated with development. A good example is the symbiotic relationship between the land, water and human footprint of any development site. It is always important to factor in our human impact on the microclimate as a direct result of our living and working developmental systems. It will be the responsibility of local stakeholder communities, designers, developers and engineers to ensure that future resources respond to wider environmental challenges and opportunities. This can only be achieved when the initial infrastructure is built to be resilient, by identifying and mitigating potential risks to any such development at an early stage, as well as investigating and pre-empting solutions. These might include but are not limited to: Ensuring sustainable urban and rural waste management systems, like drainage and recycling, without creating a detrimental impact on the existing natural symbiotic micro and macro ecosystem.
Symbiotic Energy Fundamental to any successful self-sustainable community is energy efficiency. This can only be sustainable long term through the conscious support and engagement of the local community - education is key. It is the duty of any community to find and establish systems that compliment and or enhance symbiotic energy production, use and resourcefulness in symbiotic harmony with their environment. Investigating and establishing energy solutions at an early stage, will inform decisions on the scale, shape and form of development. Different locations and environments will need to be approached as individual projects dependent heavily on energy factors. Options for shared self-sustaining localised and community renewable projects include but are not limited to: solar power, hydro power, geothermal and wind power. Independently, each of these components is powerful, but collectively, if implemented correctly, they have the potential to shape and inspire resilient self sustainable communities on a micro and macro level indefinitely for future generations.
Cultural Development Plan
Culture is generally defined as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society, community or social group.
This includes but is not limited to: Art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. Culture is at the heart of any society's identity, social cohesion, and the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Therefore, as an inclusive sovereign Kingdom, it is essential to ensure harmonious interaction among people and groups with plural, varied and dynamic cultural identities, as well as their willingness to live together. In this sense, cultural diversity is the common heritage of humanity, and it should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations.
Education Plan, Creativity, information and Organic technology.
Intellectual property in the form of information and technology is a key cornerstone to any society's progressive plans - Data is a form of currency. More importantly, naturally harnessed organic intellectual property is far more self sustainably resilient. This type of progressive intellect can only be harnessed within a community by stimulating and nurturing free and creative thought processes. Education programs with this in mind will be at the centre of the Kingdom's education development plan. Our core educational emphasis will be to teach children how to think and not what to think. Each child's education plan will be approached individually, ensuring that every child learns the basic human social skills of counting, reading and writing. In addition to this our education curriculum will also have a strong focus on harnessing and cultivating each child's natural passions and core strengths. It is much easier to excel at something you are naturally good at and passionate about; working smart and not hard. It will also have a focused initiative on encouraging natural and organic spaces, methods, environments, resources and techniques of learning and teaching.
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Economic Plan
Decentralised free markets
Another key factor within our structure will be technological decentralization.
Technological decentralization defined as:
a shift from concentrated to distributed modes of production and consumption of goods and services. Technology includes tools, materials, skills, techniques and processes by which goals are accomplished within community project spheres.
Technologies often mentioned as best implemented in a decentralized manner, include: water purification, delivery and wastewater disposal, agricultural technology and energy technology.
Advancing technology may allow decentralized and free market solutions for what may otherwise be centralised government controlled public services, such as utilities producing and/or delivering power, water, banking, mail and telecommunications.
However, it is also important to acknowledge that a Kingdom cannot operate efficiently without some form of centralised administration, particularly where bipartisan communities need to cross pollinate resources. This includes resources like economic and trade regulations, regulation of the Kingdoms spiritual and political observance, Postal and communication systems, and the Kingdoms health and safety protocols. This exception also applies where community affairs affect state affairs: in this case the state administration supersedes the subsidiarity community system.
Tribunal Structure and System
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL’s Tribunal system consists of a small group of chosen counsellors within each community. These counsellors are chosen for their knowledge of the Pineal Customary Lore’s, Tenets, Spiritual Laws and wisdom. Within each case there must also be a state administrative secretary to record proceedings, at least two neutral community mediators, a party representative and witnesses where appropriate.
All tribunal cases within every community must always be conducted openly and transparently with the opportunity for all members of that said community to participate in some capacity. The number of counsellors involved in a case is usually around ten, though it can be as few as two. In some cases multiple counsellors of varied backgrounds from within the community are chosen to preside over a case depending on the severity of the misdemeanour.
In each case, the goal is to reach consensus between the parties. Arbitration will normally be conducted in neutral space, preferably somewhere out in nature, although this is not always crucially necessary. In every case the mediators will ask each of the parties to submit to the ruling of the chosen counsel presiding over the case. Each party has the right to appoint a representative to speak on its behalf, while an appointed administrative secretary records the courts proceedings for clarification and future reference if necessary.
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL’s approach to governance is one based on decentralized means of direct democracy such as libertarian municipalities, custodians' assemblies and community councils. Our ethos, morals and principles are strongly critical of coercive institutions. Thus, decentralization of political and economic power is paramount, which usually involves the socialization of most large-scale property and enterprise, whilst also retaining respect for personal custodianship.
Like most forms of Libertarian socialism, THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL discourages economic structures and systems that promote ideals of private ownership of property. We view capitalistic ideals and relations as forms of domination that are antagonistic to individual freedoms within a collective sovereign state.
Community Wealth and Equity
The PI socio economic plan is based on principles of decentralisation, open free markets and fair-trade enterprise. The PI economy will be stimulated and driven by quality skilled craftsmanship, open-source technology and intellectual property systems, natural and organic products and services.
The first task of establishing a resilient, viable and sustainable economic plan is to maximise efficiency of whatever resources are readily available.
We have 6 key stages of strategy.
• Census Identification
• Project Planning
• Regulation
• Quantitative Distribution
• Regeneration
• Equity Share
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Economic Plan : Strategy
The P.E.G.G Program
The P.E.G.G program is established on the principle of all members of the community gifting their energy, skills and talents to help generate collective wealth and abundance, for their individual lives, communities and Kingdom at large.
Each member of the community will pledge a set minimum weekly or monthly amount of their time, energy and skills towards various community generative projects. This creates a powerful free labour force inspired by the ethos and values of community abundance created through common unity. This co-operative labour force will allow for a free abundant equitable distribution of goods and produce for all members of the community who participate.
Quantitative distribution
This next stage of the program will involve the community analysing how much as a collective, they will consume, of everything they produce. Then using our unique quantitative scaling system, they will produce at least 3 times more than they need.
-One third for consumption,
-One third for reserves,
-One third for regeneration, trade and export.
However, it is important to remember that this quantitative scaling equation will only be relatively utilised with appropriate proportion to the balance of the local natural resources. This in accordance with the KOP tenets and Laws of honouring and respecting the Earth entrusted unto us.
Census Identification
One of the first tasks of our strategy will be to conduct a census of all our available human resources within the macro-Kingdom as well as on a micro community scale. Strategic consensus between the administrative body and the communities of the Kingdom is key to success. This means efficiently identifying the skills and talents of the people as well as the industrial and environmental potential of the community's chosen settlement.
Project Planning
The next step will be to identify and plan a variety of suitable generative projects for each community, matched by the individual and collective skills and talents of the community.
These projects will be meticulously well-planned generative models based on the ethos, Tenets and Laws of the Kingdom. All residents of any chosen community will share an equal stake in all community-based projects based on our PI Energy Generative Gift program. ( P.E.G.G - program).
Surplus reservation and regeneration
Surplus regeneration is all about managing excess production. As with all self-sustainable systems, production, consumption and regeneration must always be kept in symbiotic balance with the local natural environment.
A well-managed economic production system should organically meet our 3 tier quantitative scaling system of consumption, reserve and regenerate. Whatever is surplus production, will always first be considered for community charitable reservation before it’s considered for regenerative trade and export.
Whatever is left for regeneration is traded to the open market of neighbouring communities and even exported beyond the Kingdoms territories if feasible and viable.
Equity share
Since our Kingdom is founded on the principles of equality through abundance, profit is not an objective our Kingdom's socioeconomic system would strive for. As a co-operative based society, community wealth over individual wealth, will always be the main objective. It will always be in the best interests of all parties of the Kingdom to focus their individual vested interests in the growth of the collective rather than the individual.
Whatever surplus is regenerated will always be redistributed into the Kingdom from the bottom up - meaning all surplus produce must always first be equitably distributed to vested interest individual communities, and then funnelled down to the larger administrative bodies of the Kingdom.
In this system, the power and wealth is in the hands of the people rather than in the hands of the administrative governing bodies. This then means that the more successful individual communities are, the abundantly wealthier the Kingdom will become.
Gross Economic Assimilation and Regulation Systems - G.E.A.R.S
Within our society, wealth and equity will be distributed, shared and valued on time and energy expenditure rather than on ownership. This is in line with the ethos and spirit of our founding tenets and moral laws.
Since we as humans are custodians in trust of wherever upon the earth we chose to settle, there will be no ownership of natural resources, this includes land and any other such associated natural resources. Instead, all equitable resources will be classed as shared equity in trust of whatever individual, society or community is coexisting in ethos with THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL tenets and laws.
However, as with all progressive societies, the Kingdom will have economically viable trading solutions to allow for the currency of energy and time to be efficiently exchangeable. This off course means an officially recognisable tradable currency, used as a medium form of energy exchange between two or more parties within internal and external trading markets.
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Economic Plan : Currency
PI Digital Currency
The Pine crypto currency also known as the 'PI Coin' will be a digitised version of the physical Pine coin. The digital ‘Pine coin’ will be intrinsically backed by the value of the physical ‘Pine coin’. Meaning, the number of digital Pine coins in circulation must always reflect the number or value of physical pine coins in reservation and or circulation.
This digital version of the Pine coin will not be in competition with the physical Pine coin, but instead will complement it as an easier form of tradable currency. The same socioeconomic laws regulating the physical Pine currency will apply to the digital crypto equivalent. This medium of currency will primarily serve as a technological tool to enhance economic trade efficiency.
The implementation, application and effectiveness of this digital currency will substantially rely on the resources and infrastructure available to implement and manage these systems.
PI Physical currency
Our physical currency will materialise as recognisable and officially regulated minted coins, known as 'Pine coins'. Pine coins will be minted and regulated by THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL'S administrative governing body - Paraiso Imensuravel. This central regulation of currency will not be based on legislative or legal economic policies, but rather on the values of fair equity and trust in line with the founding tenets of the Kingdom.
The duty of the PI financial administrative body will only be to monitor and manage financial operating systems and methods in line with trading standards agreed upon. Values and denominations of Pine coins will be regulated based on three criteria:
● Type of metal minted, valued and regulated according to perceived intrinsic value as a precious metal in accordance with world accepted standards and values.
● Availability of coins in circulation relative to supply and demand. This applies internally within the Kingdom as well as externally.
● Size and weight of minted coin relative to its perceived intrinsic value as a precious metal, in accordance with world accepted standards.
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Economic Plan : Revenue G.D.P
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Administrative Plan : Equitable Governance
Libertarian socialism
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL was founded on libertarian ideals based on individual and collective social trust. As a result, our socio-political and economic policies reflect this founding philosophy. Our political structure can best be described as Libertarian socialism. Meaning our social ethos is based on a non-hierarchical and non-bureaucratic system, without private property in the means of production. Anything created or produced within the Kingdom is generally classed as common or public property. However, it is also important to note that all property in the Kingdom is also generally classed as being in trust of someone's care and or responsibility. This is not the same as ownership, but rather more of custodianship. Our Libertarian socialist approach is opposed to coercive forms of social organization. Instead, We promote free association in place of government and oppose the social relations of capitalism, such as wage labour. Libertarian socialism is not the same as state socialism, as it is a socialistic structure, engineered, orchestrated and managed by the people and not the administrative state. It is purely based on free will, Honour, mutual respect, liberty and collective trust. Accordingly, we believe that "the exercise of power in any institutionalized form – whether economic, political, religious, or sexual – spiritually corrupts both the wielders of perceived power and the one over whom it is being exercised on".
Subsidiarity Political Model
Subsidiarity is a principle of social organization that upholds the ideal that social and political issues within a society should be dealt with at the most immediate (or local) level, as opposed to, from a central governing body down. This system of governance encourages consistent resolution on a microcosmic level within the macrocosm of the larger body of society. THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL has adopted the principle of subsidiarity as its preferred form of social governance.
Subsidiarity Aim
The general aim of the principle of subsidiarity is to guarantee a degree of independence for a lower authority in relation to a higher body or for a local authority in relation to central government. At the heart of this form of governance is decentralization of power away from the larger administrative body and into the hands of community local authorities.
It therefore involves the sharing of powers between several levels of authority, a principle which forms the institutional basis for a free and sovereign state or KINGDOM. This form of socio-political governance has a key administrative and civic value, since it increases the opportunities for custodians to take interest in public affairs: it makes them get accustomed to excising their universal and natural freedoms. This is in accordance with THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL tenets and moral laws.
Principle Structure of Decentralization
In principle a subsidiarity system should uphold, that no public agency should do what a private agency can do better, and that no higher-level public agency should attempt to do what a lower-level agency can do better – In effect, a successful government is one that does the least amount of governing, only acting or fulfilling an administrative role.
Decentralization, or decentralising governance, refers to the restructuring or reorganisation of authority so that there is a system of co-responsibility between institutions of governance at the central, regional and local levels according to the principle of subsidiarity, thus increasing the overall quality and effectiveness of the system of governance, while increasing the authority and capacities of sub national, community and local levels.
The accumulation of local and active self-governance not only promotes freedoms, but it also promotes an efficient counterweight against the central established government from imposing an impersonal rule against the collective will.
● Decentralization can also make national policy coordination too complex: it may allow local rogue parties to capture functions meaning local cooperation may be undermined by any distrust between community members.
● Decentralization may also result in higher enforcement costs and conflict for resources if there is no higher level of authority to adjudicate or administer.
● Decentralization may not be as efficient for standardized, routine, network based services, as opposed to those that need more complicated inputs. If there is a loss of economies of scale in procurement or labour distribution or resources, community structure and the central Kingdoms administration may weaken or even collapse.
● Other challenges, and even dangers, include the possibility that corrupt local bodies can capture regional or local power centres, while constituents lose representation. Patronage politics can become rampant and custodian constituents may become compromised. This is likely to happen where incomplete information and hidden decision-making can occur up and down community hierarchies. Community centralized power centres can find reasons to frustrate decentralization and bring power back to themselves. In this instance, trust, honour and respect is lost.
● It is also worth considering that, while decentralization may increase "productive efficiency" it may also undermine "allocative efficiency" by making redistribution of resources more difficult. Decentralization can cause greater disparities between resource abundant and resource poor regions, especially during times of crisis when the Kingdoms administration may not be able to help regions needing it.
● Sustained Initiatives for capacity-building at the local level. The Kingdom's local community structures are likely to thrive in abundance as long as there is stimulus, incentive and initiative to sustain them. This includes inspirational and creative education plans and systems, motivated technological endeavours that are resilient and self-sustainable.
● Strong Legal Framework for Transparency and Accountability. The ability and will of the Kingdoms custodians to uphold the founding tenets and moral laws is key to having a successful and balanced Kingdom. Where this ability and will is lacking it is imperative that the Kingdom's legal framework for upholding equality and justice for all is strictly adhered in line with the Kingdoms founding tenets and moral laws. This of course involves having an effective judicial system and custodians’ oversight and anti-corruption bodies that monitor and regulate the effectiveness of the Kingdoms tenets and moral laws.
● Creating and sustaining high performance local administrative organizations. Crucial to this point is the Kingdom's ability to recognise skilled and talented individuals within the Kingdom to help administer local and state resources and fairs. THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL’s Customs will be passed on through the generations primarily by the creative means of cultural works such as songs, stories, plays, anthems, poems and dance. These cultural works will be passed on through codified formal educational institutions as well as oral tradition.
Customary Lore’s are central to the very identity of the Kingdoms peoples and local communities, defining rights, obligations and responsibilities of custodian members relating to important aspects of their lives, cultures and world views.
Customary Lore can relate to use of and access to natural resources, rights and obligations relating to custodianship of land, inheritance and property, conduct of spiritual life, maintenance of cultural heritage and knowledge systems and many other matters.
Maintaining Customary Lore’s is crucial for the continuing vitality of the intellectual, cultural and spiritual life and heritage of the Kingdoms peoples and local communities. All efforts must always be prioritised to safeguard and protect against the misuse and misappropriation of the Kingdoms Customary Lore’s, Tenets and Spiritual Laws.
Customary Lore forms an intrinsic part of the Pineal social, political and economic systems and way of life. What characterizes Customary Lore is precisely that it consists of a group of customs in the form of Spiritual Tenets and Laws which are recognized and shared collectively by the custodian members of THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL. This is in contrast with written laws emanating from a centralised constituted political authority, the application of which is in the hands of that authority, generally the administrative state.
Customary Lore is thus the key potential element of a holistic approach that may include Customary Lore’s and Spiritual Laws and protocols as part of a wider set of tools for protecting and maintaining balance with local communities and the greater Kingdom at large.
Upholding the Kingdoms Customary Lore’s, Spiritual Tenets and Laws serves as a basis for sustainable community-based development, strengthened community identity and promotion of cultural diversity. It also serves as a distinct source of established recognised order, legally binding on custodian members within the Kingdoms collective communal structures, as well as on individuals outside the community circle but within the Kingdom.
Organic agriculture can be defined as: An integrated farming system that strives for sustainability, the enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity whilst prohibiting synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, and growth hormones.
This agricultural ethos is in line with THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL tenets and laws of living. Food production is at the centre of the PI Kingdoms wealth GDP. As a result, at the top of our technological and educational programs is self-sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways, which means meeting society's food and textile needs, without compromising ecological symbiosis and resilience for future generations to meet their needs.
When developing agriculture within sustainable food and textile systems, it is important to develop flexible production processing and farming practices in harmony with the land's local ecological systems. If not properly managed, agriculture has the potential to cause an enormous environmental footprint, playing a significant role in causing microclimate change, water scarcity, land degradation, deforestation and other processes:
KINGDOM OF PINEAL Social Administrative Plan
Possible Hazards However, it's important to note some hazards associated with decentralised subsidiarity governance.
● When a genuine principle of collective liberty is recognised by a higher political entity but not all subsidiary entities... Implementation of that principle can be delayed at the more local level.
● When a genuinely efficacious economic principle is recognised by a higher political entity, but not all subsidiary entities...implementation of that principle can be delayed at the more local level.
● In areas where the local use of common resources has a broad regional, or even world impact, higher levels of authority may have a natural mandate to supersede local authority. This has the potential to upset the balance of governance.
● Where there is a weak local administrative or technical capacity, which may result in inefficient or ineffective services.
● Where there are inadequate resources available to perform new local responsibilities, especially in the start-up phase when they are most needed, or inequitable distribution of resources.
Solutions to Possible Hazards
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL recognises and pre-empts the following eight essential preconditions that must be ensured while implementing decentralization in order to avert the "dangers of decentralization":
● Social preparedness and mechanisms to prevent elitist community politics. This crucially includes a clear and effective education program in line with the Kingdom's cultural ideals, social morals, ethics, Spiritual Tenets and practices.
● Strong administrative and technical capacity at the higher levels. Corruption of the Kingdoms libertarian system of administrative governance and structure can be avoided if the Kingdom is initially and continually established on a firm foundation of honour, respect and trust in abundance for all in custodianship of the Earth - H.E.A.R.T. This is in line with the Kingdoms founding tenets, spiritual and natural laws of governance.
● Strong administrative commitment at the higher levels. If the central Kingdom's administrative abilities and structure is efficient and committed to upholding the founding tenets and constitutional laws, it is more likely that the pillars of local communities will mirror this code of conduct.
If a fact is disputed, its veracity must be obtained by the testimony of a minimum of three witnesses. If this cannot be done, an oath must be sworn. Should proceedings become heated, the presiding lead counsellor may order a recess, wherein both parties discuss issues relating to the case in small informal groups. Once the mediation has been decided, an appeal may be requested, although this must be agreed to by all parties. However, where possible, community disputes are actively encouraged to be settled outside of legal bounds by way of less formal, intimate family convention.
Customary Lore (law)
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL’s tribunal system is based on the foundation of our founding tenets and moral laws. Ideologically, our tribunal form of administration is based on a customary Lore’s (laws) system of governance as this form of judicial governance is closest in alignment with our ideals.
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL refers to customary lore as the legal systems and practices uniquely belonging to our founding tenets and moral laws. These Pineal tenets and laws are in place to help regulate human behaviour, mandate specific sanctions for non-compliance, and connect people with the land and with each other, through a system of relationships.
THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL prefers to refer to its customary judicial practices as lore’s rather than laws. The difference being laws are enforced rules that are changeable with trends and or popular opinion. Whereas the word ‘Lore’ which used to refer to the Indigenous customary system, is a set of practices, learned from childhood, that dictate how a society must interact with the land, kinship, and community.
Penal system
Within THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL, crimes are defined in terms of being transgressions against the trust bestowed upon that individual as a custodian member of the Kingdom's society. Justice is directed in the form of energy and/or time compensation to the victim as the Kingdom of Pineal officially recognises time and energy as the most valuable commodity of currency.
If the accused is found guilty, some form of time and energy restitution must be compensated to the for the benefit of the community. In some cases, community counsellors may advise that neither side seeks restitution.
In cases where restitution is required but cannot be given, rehabilitation of the offender through council and stewardship is considered. There is no concept of imprisonment within THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL. In extreme cases, temporary restrainment may be called upon whilst adjudication is being administered. In such cases, this temporary restrainment should always be conducted with honour and respect in alignment with the Kingdoms Tenets and Laws.
In extreme rare cases where an offender cannot provide adequate restitution or achieve adequate rehabilitation, the highest order of restitution is called upon: banishment from the Kingdom. The verdict of banishment is enforced by all able-bodied clansmen within the area wherein the verdict is to be executed.
Developing sustainable food and textile systems contributes to the sustainability of the society's human population in ratio to its resources. Sustainable agriculture provides a potential solution to enable agricultural systems to feed a growing population within the changing environmental conditions of any given local society. The majority of the Kingdom's resources will be invested in ecosystem services, biodiversity, land regeneration, and sustainable land management practices and technologies. These include The Economics of Ecosystems, Biodiversity study and the Economics of Land regeneration Initiatives.
A sustainable future can be feasible if growth in material consumption is in proportion with population growth, which means efficiency of material and energy use. To make that transition, long- and short-term goals will need to be balanced enhancing equity and quality of life.