The Kingdom of Pineal Community Trust

The Kingdom of Pineal is a community-based initiative founded on the ideals of self-determined peoples building and living in a society that embodies, respects and honours the principles of living with natural law in equity. The foundational philosophy behind this initiative Is observed through the Spiritual Tenets of THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL. THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL was founded on the universal principles of equity which state that all beings (human and animal) on Earth are born free and sovereign, therefore have the expressed right to live free and sovereign lives in equity with all that is equitably natural:

Mission- Vision - Ethos

THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL Trust Organisation is founded on principles and ideals based on Universal Natural laws of equity, underwritten through our Tenets and H.E.A.R.T statues.

Our aim is to ensure the optimal wellbeing and security of all our trustee’s wealth and health. This includes spiritual and mental well-being through our various sovereign initiatives as well as physical well-being through our collective organisation of community. Our organisation of Trust is generated through the currency of our community. Our collective skills, knowledge and resources are the mediums of currency that culture our powerful energy of collective Trust.

THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL is not just a philosophy or ideal, it is a chosen way of life. The principal foundation of our community’s ethos is…. individual sovereignty expressed in common unity.

Connection, communication and co-creation thrives when a society or community cultures an environment that is nurturing and safe. Comfort and safety allow for growth and abundance. Growth and abundance equate to prosperity of health and wealth. Such a paradigm can only exist when principles of individual sovereignty and collective Trust are applied. Individual sovereignty and community trust is essential in maintaining peace and harmony within a community.

‘Sovereign Trust in common unity is the currency that keeps relationships, communities and societies functional and thriving’.


The mission of THE KINGDOM OF PINEALis to create and cultivate conscious community’s and societies founded on principles of honour, respect, trust and love of the earth, for ourselves, and for each other always striving to live in harmony with nature – all within the maxims of common unity in equity. We are creating and connecting a network of conscious people from around the world who share the same core values and vision as our organisation. Our ideology, philosophy and structure, is aligned with our ethos of cultivating individual sovereignty expressed in equitable common unity. We are constantly learning how to better live harmoniously in sync with ourselves, with nature and with each other in a respectful and equitable manner. As a collective of individual sovereigns, we are saying no to living in disharmony with nature. We are saying no to a world where people are disconnected from each other. We are saying no to a world where community seems to be a foreign concept, we are saying no to toxic and inorganic habits of living. Instead, we are saying yes to creating real and tangible human connections and communities of people who share similar core values and ethics based on natural equitable principles of living. We are saying yes to taking full individual responsibility for ourselves, mentally, emotionally and physically. We are saying yes to individual sovereignty, autonomy and self-determination in all its forms. We are saying yes to all that is natural, organic and equitably moral.


Our vision is simple…. ‘Focus our attention and energy towards building our own community, society and nation of kindred souls and like-minded peoples, with the intention of co-existing in alignment and balance with natural principles of living in equity.'

We are aware that to achieve such a vision requires time, patience, discipline, resilience and wisdom. We are aware that there can never be a perfect community or society, however, it is our duty as living men and women of this earth to always endeavour and strive to be the best version of ourselves. We are aware that many mistakes will be made along the way, but such is the plight of the human experience – we learn and evolve from our mistake.


THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL’s Ethos centred around cultivating equitable communities living in natural and organic environments and embodying lifestyles that encourages self-determination, and ultimately individual sovereignty. The motto behind our ETHOS is –Be the change you wish to see.

We aspire to be an example of how humans are supposed to live, in common unity, away from harmful environments and toxic substances. We want to be an example to the world by showing how and what it truly means to be individual sovereigns collectively living naturally, organically, and equitably with goodwill, honour and respect for each other and the Earth we share.

The Pinheiro Family

Pinheiro is the adopted family name chosen by the founding members of THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL. Pinheiro means pine tree in the Portuguese language. This name was aptly chosen as The Kingdom of Pineal was founded in the country of Portugal, originally established as a spiritual community striving for self-determination under the name the Pineal Foundation.

The Pineal foundation was founded in 2016 by a Spiritual Philosopher, known as Agua AkbalZizi Pinheiro. At the time Agua was living in England with his family and soon after emigrated to Portugal in 2019 with the aim of establishing an eco-community with a spiritual mystery school.

In 2020, the Pineal foundation rapidly expanded from a small family homestead to a family community with members from around the world joining, subscribing, and even emigrated to Portugal to help establish the Pineal foundation. In 2021 the Pineal foundation evolved into THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL community and Society of self-determined peoples striving to live naturally in equitable trust of their collective ideals.

THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL continues its evolutionary journey in full trust of the vision and mission set forth.


Sovereign initiatives

Spiritual Initiatives

KINGDOM OF PINEAL Sovereign initiatives THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL has established various initiatives of spiritual practice that guide our trustees as they embark on their individual journeys of self-realisation. As self-realisation is an individual process of healing, THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL only provides the space, knowledge and resources required to initiate the process. However, the actual input of energy must be fully invested by the Sovereign individual.

Lawful Initiatives THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL Trust organisation has acquired sovereign intellectual property that ensures one's claim of sovereign self-determination. We have carefully constructed lawful documents that aid our trustees in proclaiming their proof of sovereign status. Our sovereign documents also act as forms of securitised claim that protects the possessions in trust, including all forms of property and assets of a trustee. Our esoteric and exoteric knowledge of Natural and Universal laws allow us to confidently create lawful jurisdiction. All Kingdom of Pineal documents and jurisdictions are protected under the lawful maxims of equity in trust of natural and spiritual law of man/woman.

Community Initiatives Trust documents are only as powerful as the community of people they represent. The Kingdom of Pineal has invested a great amount of time and energy in culturing a community of organised self-determined peoples. THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL'S first principle of currency is its trustees of people. Our people's ideas, knowledge, skills, creativity and energy are all forms of securitised currency that enriches and fortifies the Kingdom of Pineal Trust organisation. As an organisation we have invested most of our time and energy into ensuring that our collective principles, ideals and cultural lore’s enhance our collective trust in one another for the wellbeing and safety of ourselves and our assets. Our community of Trust is bonded by the spiritual, mental and physical energy we have invested in each other within the safe jurisdiction of our community.

Pineal Spiritual Currency

THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL'S spiritual currency is secured through the community of people in trust of the Pineal philosophy, ideology and culture. Our spiritual currency is measured through our disciplined practice of our Tenet and the Natural law in equity cultured within the foundations of our community. Our deep-rooted understanding of the universal principal laws of reality enable us to enact and embody our vision, mission and endeavours with authentic purpose. As sovereign initiates, we live in Trust of ourselves, each other and in the divine powers and principalities of the divine order that governs all. Our discipline in the foundation and pillars of the spiritual laws that we faithfully practise, endow our endeavours with prosperity that transcends earthly human time and space. THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL is a spiritually embodied organisation of sovereign living men and women, entrusted to this Earth to undertake the responsibility of ensuring that the divine principles of Generative co creation, equanimous Ordinance and truthful Dissolution are honoured. Our lawful discernment of spiritual principles, morals and ethics ensures us as the keepers of the lighthouse of truth that must serve and protect the evolutionary greater good of humanity. For this reason, our vision and mission is divinely protected by the powers and principalities of the highest order. Securing the legacy and wealth of your invested time and energy is the ultimate expression of investment not just in oneself or even in this lifetime, but far beyond into the future. Those with a spiritually evolved mindsets secure themselves spiritually, mentally and physically.

‘Peace of mind, emotional well-being and physical security can only be attained through measures, structures and organisations of Trust’.

Why and how to invest in THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL? Securitising your assets through THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL is not just an investment that ensures you as an individual, it is an investment in a community backed enterprise. Whatever time and energy you invest into THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL TRUST ORGANISATION amplifies the structures of spiritual, emotional and physical fortitude we have already established. This includes all Kingdom of Pineal assets, resources, intellectual property, commercial interests and facilities.

Kingdom of Pineal Intellectual Jurisdiction. THE KINGDOM OF PINEAL'S intellectual jurisdiction is secured through our knowledge of lawful jurisdiction. We have invested a great amount of time and energy into compiling, researching and developing affirmative lawful information expressed through our lawfully constructed sovereign Trust documents. This includes sovereign jurisdictions of private travel, commerce, trade, security and diplomatic immunity. We facilitate services that include but not limited to; Live Life Claims, Copyright Notices, Birth right Proclamations, Live Birth Affirmations, Diplomatic Travel Documents, Property Trust Documents, , Sui Juris Trust Notices, Commercial Liens, and many other public notices and private services that secure your sovereign jurisdiction.

"There is no happiness without order, no order without authority, no authority without unity - culture, communication and co-operation is unity."